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Hometown Beginnings
Who I Am
Called to Serve
Kristina considered a career as a corporate attorney, but after spending time in small local firms and the Livingston County Prosecutor’s office, she found she enjoyed helping people achieve a better life than they did before. Although she does not have children of her own, she felt God called her to help the children right here in her district. This led her to opening her own practice in East Lansing where she has defended children, teenagers, and adults, many of whom needed a second chance at life, as well as children at the heart of divorce cases. Additionally, Kristina continues to give back to her community, offering pro bono legal aide to military veterans and volunteering with students at Michigan State University and Thomas Cooley Law School students.
Michigan Values
The Constitution begins with “We the People,” but today the “people” are often forgotten in the battle of political games in Washington, D.C. Today our rights are under attack from far-left radicals who dictate how and when we should worship, threaten our right to bear arms, push for more government in our lives, and infringe upon our freedom of speech. Kristina will be a steadfast warrior against this frightening push for socialism. Kristina’s life is possible because of the opportunities only available in America. She will fight to ensure those opportunities are available to her constituents and Americans everywhere.
Why Michigan Likes Lyke
Kristina knows and understands the priorities, values, and struggles of the people in the Michigan's 50th house district because she and her family have lived them. She has spent her life making the lives of her neighbors, family, friends better. Today she is running for Congress to bring a fresh new energy to the job to ensure someone is fighting for her community instead of some extreme political agenda.